Friday, February 8, 2013

my new project; writing email group!

I have been planning this for a while now and I'm so excited to start looking for people and to get the ball rolling! :)
I have created a new email group. It will be called treasury, and it will be writing/literature focused. I am looking for imaginative people, anyone who loves answering questions, writing prompts, and generally just talking!
It will be an RTA "reply to all" and we will be a group, emailing back and forward between clicking reply to all instead of reply, so it's like a big conversation.
Please, if you're interested, more information is below!

I know this is not beauty/fashion related, but I thought some of you might be interested :)

new writing RTA/email group. writing & daily prompts. questions, surveys & more.

about treasury

treasury aims to be a small, close knit email group for anyone interested in writing or answering prompts/questions. you don't have to be a writer or interested in being a writer. this RTA will be where you can answer daily writing prompts, write short stories, answer questions, send questions, answer surveys, and everything fun like that! :)

and of course, random conversation is encouraged!

there will also be character development. each month i will ask you to develop / imagine & come up with a new character. you won't have to role play as this character, you will just answer questions and tell us about that character, and there will be writing prompts about characters. the aim is that it will help your imagination, and if you stay in the RTA for 6 months, you will have thought up of 6 characters; that's pretty cool!


you're imaginative and descriptive. please do not reply to prompts with 1 word answers.
replying to all mail and try to participate in every thread / activity sent!
try and send your own questions / surveys to the RTA and converse with people.

if you are unactive, i will remove you from the RTA. do not lurk!

what email address do you want to be added on?:
how often are you online?:
why do you want to be in treasury?:

please send me this back to, thank you =)

examples of what you might see in treasury;
topic; "Dream" and tell us three wishes you have.

write about the last time you felt challenged.


  1. Hiya! I'd love to take part, I'm only 13 but I'd love to. my email is xoxox

    1. what email address do you want to be added on?:
      how often are you online?:
      why do you want to be in treasury?:

      please send me this back to, thank you =)

  2. I love this idea!
    My email is:

    1. you need to fill out the information provided above. :)
      it was this:
      what email address do you want to be added on?:
      how often are you online?:
      why do you want to be in treasury?:

      please send me this back to, thank you =)
